Pisgah Forest, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering about the population and steets of Pisgah Forest, NC, then read this. We've compiled the data from our community demographic reports, which we hope will help you make an informed decision. Listed below are some facts you should know about this city. Also, be sure to visit the city's website to learn more about local businesses and amenities.

First, it's important to know the ZIP code of the city in which you're moving. Pisgah Forest Farms, NC is located in ZIP Code 28768. The city's ZIP code is a five-digit extension of its name, so it's easy to find the street address if you know it. You can also type the address into a search engine to find more details on your destination.

The median age of residents of Forest City, NC was 45 in 2019. This figure includes both native-born residents and those who immigrated from other countries. Forest City's median age is older than the national average. Foreign-born residents are more likely to have been born in Mexico - the state of birth for 229.947 people living in Pisgah Forest City. The other top foreign-born residents were from India, Honduras, and Mexico.

The median age of Pisgah Forest City is 51 years old, with a total population of 5.4% under the age of 19.3 percent of residents are 65 and older. More than half of the population of the city is white, and 38.9% is non-white. Approximately 40% of the population is single. There are about 21.2 households per 100 people in the city, making the population density lower than that of many other cities in North Carolina.