Mount Olive, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know how many people live in Mount Olive City, NC, you may be interested in knowing the current Population & Steets. Whether you're planning to visit the city or simply want to know more about its history, this information can be extremely helpful. Below you'll find a list of the neighboring towns. By checking out these cities, you'll have an idea of what the population of Mount Olive is like and what amenities are available in the area.

Burglaries are relatively low in Mount Olive, with a burglary rate of 3.29 per 1,000 people annually. Burglaries in the north of the city are generally low, while crime rates are higher in the south. However, be careful when comparing crime rates between areas - red areas do not necessarily indicate a higher risk of burglary for residents. The area around the airport and other major destinations may be safer, but crime still occurs there.

The city is home to nearly twice as many people as it does in North Carolina. However, that doesn't mean that it has a large population. In fact, it's actually one of the more diverse places in the area, with a higher proportion of people born outside the United States. This makes Mount Olive the perfect place for you to live if you're looking for a place to call home.