Mount Airy, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know more about the community, you should consider viewing the Population & Steets of Mount Airy City. Compared to other areas of Baltimore City, Mount Airy is racially diverse and has a high voter turnout rate. Below are some facts you may find interesting. These statistics can help you decide if the community is right for you. You can also find out the median age of the residents.

The population of Mount Airy is over 10,000. The city is a suburb of Baltimore City, which is one of the largest cities in the country. Its population is mostly African-American and is part of a cluster of African-American neighborhoods in the northern tip of Philadelphia. The community gained national recognition during blockbusting and white flight, when residents sought to stay a part of the city's African-American community.

The per capita income in Mount Airy is $28,403 (as of 2018). This is middle-class compared to other cities in the US and North Carolina. This equates to about $113,612 for a family of four. In addition, the city is diverse in terms of race and ethnicity, with most residents reporting being White, Black, or African-American.

In Mount Airy, NC, there are 3,667 households. Twenty-four percent of households are family-oriented, with forty-seven percent consisting of married couples. Fourteen percent of households consist of single-person households. In addition, 14.0% of households have a female householder who is living alone. In the city, the majority of households own two cars. The majority of families in Mount Airy, NC own two cars.