Montezuma, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table provides a quick summary of the Population & Steets in Montezua City, Indiana. You can use it to compare the city to its neighboring communities. If you'd like to find out more about the local housing market, you can use our online real estate calculator. In addition to the city's population, you can also look at eviction statistics. You can see how many eviction cases were filed in Montezuma City during the past year.

When determining your target demographics, the population in Montezuma, KS is diverse. Ninety-seven percent of the residents are White, while 0.9% are African American and 0.17% are Hispanic. Another way to determine the target audience is to consider home ownership. Montezuma's median household income is $61,711 while its average household income is $79,020. Montezuma's high school graduation rate is 78%.

Affordable housing in Montezuma is an important issue. Lack of affordable housing affects the quality of life and property values. Montezuma's affordable housing needs to be redeveloped and improved. The city needs to attract more people to the city and improve its housing stock. A high-quality housing supply will be crucial to its economic development. It also helps support the city's schools. The following chart illustrates the average income per household in Montezuma.

In 2010, the U.S. Census Bureau published its most recent population statistics. The most recent data available includes data for 2010 and 2020. The data is not guaranteed to be accurate, but it should be enough to get an idea of the local housing market. And don't forget to share the information with family and friends. There's no better way to find out about a neighborhood than by asking someone you know!