Mills River, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To get a feel for the population of Mills River, NC, you may want to review the latest census data. You will find that the median age of residents of Mills River is 45.7. This figure includes both native and foreign-born people. The median age is an indication of the city's aging population. The most common country of birth for Mills River, NC residents is Mexico, followed by India and Honduras.

The population of Mills River, NC is approximately 7,251 people. The median age is 45.7 years old and the median household income is $66,667. The city is home to a diverse population, with 89.6% White residents. The city's population is also comprised of Black or African American residents, 2.8% Hispanics, and 1.4% of Asian and Pacific Islanders. The poverty rate in Mills River, NC is 7.9%.

The City of Merrimack is strategically located in the Merrimack Valley. The historic mill buildings offer affordable manufacturing and office space. Residents are diverse, with the added bonus of living within walking distance of downtown. Merrimac also boasts a renewed commitment to infrastructure. Its two main highways are now accessible by car. Its schools, parks, and water lines are also better, making the city a more accessible place for residents.