Belville, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Belvile City is a snapshot of the community's demographics. With a population of slightly more than 2,000 people, this small town in North Carolina has a mixed demographic. Twenty percent of the population are retired, which makes up about 14% of the total national population. While young adults make up about 7% of the population, they are underrepresented in Belville. Renters make up a small percentage of the population; 77% own their homes. That said, renters are likely to be limited in number, as the average rent in Belville City is $1188 per month.

The Census of Canada's 2011 Population & Steets in Belvill City shows that the population is growing. There are now nearly 57,000 people living in the city, a population of 8.6 percent. The census and door-to-door surveys will help keep you updated on the latest statistics. Between 2016 and 2021, the combined population of the city and Quinte West is expected to reach 111,184 people.

The suburbs are located between the CBD and the northern reaches of the city. They have good transport connections with direct bus services. However, they offer less expensive property than the city center. There are beachfront apartments, freestanding homes, and traditional homes for families. Many large South African companies have their headquarters in this part of the city. The population of Belville is primarily composed of retirees.