Atkinson, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Atkinson, Nebraska has a population of 87,796. Its population is predominantly white, with only 0.5% black or Asian people living in the city. A little less than 1% of residents is Hispanic. The median household income is $38,319, making it a good place for people to start a new business or move up the career ladder. In addition, there are nearly 85% of people in Atkinson who have graduated high school, and just 4% who have a bachelor's degree.

There are also several factors that may influence the eviction rate in the city. For example, some addresses may experience more than one eviction per year. Regardless, the city's eviction rate is below the national average. However, Atkinson has fewer eviction cases than Crofton and Palmer. While there are no statistics available for the number of evictions per household, a high number of evictions may indicate a poor economy.

The number of earthquakes that occur in the city is significantly higher than the state average and 289% higher than the U.S. average. In addition, the city of Atkinson is home to a motel, the Atkinson Wheel Inn Motel, at 304 West 5th Street. If you're planning a trip to Atkinson, consider staying at the Atkinson Wheel Inn Motel.

Income is important. The average income in Atkinson City is $47,941, which is significantly lower than the national average. However, money is not everything, and the majority of households in the area earn between $50,000 and $74,999. There are 149 households in the area, with a median household income of $50972.