Alexis, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning to move to Alexis City, you may want to look at Population & Steets in Alexia City, NJ before you do. These statistics can give you an idea of the number of people living in the city, as well as other important details. To help you decide whether to move to this city or not, here are some quick facts about the residents and area.

First of all, you'll want to know the ZIP code for Alexis City, AL. It's 35010 or 35011 and it belongs to the Multi-county region. Once you have that information, you can find out the city's address. If you want to know the school address, look for the address on the Alexis City Schools page. You'll find the address, school name, state ZIP code, and even the school's phone number.