Wyandanch, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You can explore the population and steets of Wyandanch City, NJ, by looking at the map below. The map shows the majority race in each section of Wyandanch, based on self-identified information. Areas with darker shades indicate a larger racial majority. You can also view data and maps that show racial diversity in Wyandanch. Areas that are green and blue are more diverse than those in red and yellow. Generally, a city that is more diverse means that its residents are a mix of races.

The most common races in Wyandanch, NY are Black and Hispanic. Overall, the city has a slightly lower percentage of Black and Hispanic residents than the city as a whole. However, Black people represent the highest percentage of residents living below the poverty line. Other racial and ethnic groups make up the lowest percent of Wyandanch's population. The city has a large percentage of military personnel, largely from the Gulf War (2001-2005).

The population of Wyandanch, New York, is 10,546 at the 2000 census. The hamlet was originally inhabited by Massapequa Indians, but was later incorporated as a town by the Dutch, Jacob Conklin. Wyandanch was named after the Wyandance Brice and the Terra Cotta Company. There are a few other census-designated hamlets in Wyandanch, but the majority of residents have at least one wired Internet provider.