White Lake, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are considering moving to White Lake City, MI, you may be interested in learning the local population and steets. These statistics can be useful when deciding if this town is right for you. The demographics for White Lake City are based on the most recent American Community Survey (ACS) data. These statistics are updated annually by the U.S. Census Bureau. We cannot guarantee that the data is accurate, so please consult the official source for more detailed information.

The population and steets in White Lake City are available in zip codes and city-level data. Default city names are preferred by the US Postal Service (USPS) to make mail more understandable. While nicknames are often given to cities, the USPS prefers the default name. The city's default name is White Lake. It is not an official name, but many residents use it anyway.

In 2005, 91 percent of residents aged 25 and over had graduated from high school. Another 28 percent had earned a bachelor's degree. And the remaining 9 percent were dropouts. White Lake Charter Township had enrollment figures for kindergarten and nursery schools, elementary school and high school, and college or graduate school. The median household income was $72, 537. Similarly, 84% of households received retirement income other than Social Security. Only 2 percent of homeowners spent over 30% of their income on housing.

The city's population is fairly spread out. Approximately 18.1 square miles (18.1 mi2) is land and 0.06% is water. The population of White Lake City is a mixture of young and old residents, and a majority of households are made up of children. The median age is 55 years old, and there are nearly 89 males for every 100 females. So you see, it's not a small town.