Westhampton Beach, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You might be wondering how to find out the Population & Steets in Westampton Beach City. You can use our handy tool to compare data from the most recent U.S. Census with data from other places. This Westhampton Beach, New York, population analysis will show you the proportion of people of each race living in each neighborhood. This information is especially useful for retirees who may be looking to relocate.

This information will help you to determine if Westhampton Beach is an affordable place to live. The median household income in Westhampton Beach is $94,408. Besides, the city has a low poverty rate. If you're looking for affordable housing, you'll need to take into account the affordability of the neighborhood. The population of Westhampton Beach is relatively affordable compared to other areas in the state.

The Incorporated Village of Westhampton Beach is located in Suffolk County, New York. As of 2010, the city's population was 1,721 residents, which was 0.12% of the county's total. That is, the city is the 27th most populous town in Suffolk County. In comparison, the population of Suffolk County was 19,378,102. So, how do the population and Steets in Westhampton Beach compare?

The median property value in Westhampton Beach, NY is $777,400, which is 3.23 times larger than the national average of $240,500. This means that the average property value in Westhampton Beach, NY is $777,400. The homeownership rate in Westhampton Beach is 73.7%, while the median property owners own two cars each. This is a high proportion of people who own a home.