Westdale, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Westdale City, Texas, is 100% American. This percentage was at 100% in 2018 and is steady since then. The city has a higher percentage of US citizens than its parent geographies. The Westdale community includes many empty-nesters, young families, and a mix of student housing. The area has many schools, parks, and sports fields. There are many veterans in the area as well.

There are 95 households in the Westdale neighborhood. Most households in this area are made up of single-female households, while 12% are made up of single-male households. The median household income is $89,790, while the median individual income is $53,861. Westdale's education levels are high - 97% of residents have graduated high school and have some college education. Many of them hold bachelor's or graduate degrees.

The township of Westdale was founded in the 1920s. It was developed in conjunction with the founding of McMaster University in Hamilton. The area west of Paradise Road was originally known as Gore of Ancaster. The area that was eventually included in Westdale became lots 57 through 60 in Concession 1. The first settlers to the community were Forsyths, Ashbaughs, Paisleys, Brambergers, and Strouds.

While the numbers of widows in Westdale are hard to quantify because they are not grouped by age, the overall pattern of the town was still similar to that of 1951. Small young families continued to rent homes in Westdale, but the ratio of retired or widowed individuals was higher among apartmnt dwellers. Although the area had a similar population structure in 1951, the social characteristics of the community reflect the development of the city in the 1920s, the 1950s, and the significant domestic ramifications of the war.