West Nyack, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The West Nyack City population is roughly 1,565 people. About 71 percent of them drive to work while another 31 use public transit or bus transportation. About a quarter use bicycles. The city has a high percentage of artists, designers, and people working in the arts. This concentration helps shape the character of the city.

West Nyack City is located along the New York State Thruway at the Exit 12 interchange, and on New York State Routes 303 and 59. It also sits along the CSX Transportation River Line, which has about 20 to 55 trains passing through daily. The town's passenger service ceased in 1959, but passengers can still travel on CSX trains.

The median age of the population in West Nyack City was 51.2 in 2020. This was higher than the national average of 50. The average age of foreign-born New Yorkers was 49. The median car ownership rate in West Nyack was around two cars per household.

West Nyack is a small town in New York with a population of approximately 3,649. With one neighborhood, the city is one of the most expensive in New York and among the most expensive in the country. Its residents spend nearly $175 a month on their homes.