West Henrietta, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of West Henrietta City vary greatly. It is possible to compare crime rates between different neighborhoods. Northeastern West Henrietta has more retail establishments than the rest of the city. These retail establishments have higher crime rates than other areas of the city, and many of these crimes happen in blocks with few people. However, red areas do not necessarily indicate unsafe areas for residents.

The West Henrietta city is located at the crossroads of Erie Station Road and Route 15. The Baptist Church was built in 1838 and is a focal point of the town. The fire department is housed in an old school, while a pizza place has been in business for almost a century. In addition, the Cartwright Inn was built in 1831, but was closed for many decades.

The town of West Henrietta is a county subdivision in Monroe County. Its population is 11,759, or 1.061 people per square mile. Its median age is 37.4, and the number of people living in a single-family home is 2.6. However, there are a few things to know before moving to the area. If you are planning a move, make sure you check out the demographics of West Henrietta. You might be surprised at what you find.