Watkins Glen, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In Watkins Glen City, a majority of residents are of the white ethnicity. The rest of the population is comprised of African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians. While only 2.6% of the residents identify as Hispanic, the population's other race is significantly higher at 17.8%. In Watkins Glen, respondents to the census report an average of four ancestries among the population. The most common ancestry is Irish, German, English, and American. However, Austrian and Slovak ancestry are also highly concentrated.

The median income for households in Watkins Glen, NY is $45,060. This is less than the median income for the entire United States, which is $65,712. In 2018, Watkins Glen, NY had a median annual income of $44,922. This represents an increase of 0.307% from the previous year's figure of $44,922.

According to the census, the median household income in Watkins Glen, NY is $45,060. The median property value is $128,800. The most common mode of transportation for residents of Watkins Glen is car. Eighty-one percent of residents commute by car, while twenty-two percent use public transportation. A quarter of Watkins Glen residents live in homes that are more than four hundred years old.

The Watkins Glen area is home to the world-famous Farm Sanctuary. This national farm animal protection organization was founded by activist Gene Baur in 1986. In 1991, the Watkins Glen shelter opened. Since then, it has provided lifelong care to thousands of animals. The center has hosted numerous public events and welcomed thousands of visitors. Despite its small size, Watkins Glen is home to a variety of businesses and is well-connected with other areas of New York State.