Warnerville, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to learn about the population of the Warnerville City, you need to know the stats of its citizens. You can find this out by checking out the US census data. The US census data includes racial diversity. In Warnerville, a majority of the residents are white, while 27% are African Americans. For the rest, the racial diversity rate in Warnerville is low.

The robbery rate in Warnerville City is relatively low, too. In the north, the robbery rate is one in 3,134 while it is one in eleven thousand in the western part. Although it may seem counter-intuitive, the west part of the city is considered the safest part of the city. You can also see the robbery rate by neighborhood. If you are looking to make a comparison, consider Warnerville's west side.