Walworth, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking to market to a certain demographic, you might want to know the Population & Steets in Walwert City, Wisconsin. There are several reasons for doing so, including your business's mission statement and target audience. First, a demographic can be extremely useful when determining the market to target. For example, you should be aware of the home ownership rate in your area. Lastly, consider the job market in Walworth, WI.

The population of Walworth City, Wisconsin is about 3,000, which is younger than the median age for Wisconsin. Most people own their homes, but only 37% rent. The average rent is $868 a month. It is possible to find an affordable rental in Walworth for under $1,000. You can also rent a house for under $900 if you know anyone who lives in Walworth. If you're unsure, there are other resources available.

In 2018, Walworth's population was about 2.82 thousand. This is 0.715 times smaller than the national average. As of 2019, Walworth's median household income was $51,708, up by 3.29% from last year. Approximately 67% of the city's residents are white (Non-Hispanic), while the rest is hispanic. The median home ownership rate was 58.9%, lower than the national average of 64.7%. The median age was 22 years. Males outnumbered females in Walworth, WI, 50.7% to 49.3%.

While income inequality in Wisconsin is low, the income gap in Walworth is significantly higher than that in other U.S. cities. Males in Walworth, WI have a median annual income of $51,708, which is less than the state average. Nevertheless, males earn a higher income than females. The median household income is $52,050, while women earn an average of $48,375.