Wainscott, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following statistics provide a brief overview of the Population & Steets in Wanscott City, NY. Wainscott's population is composed of 284 White residents and 30 Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) residents. The percentage of renter-occupied housing units in Wainscott is 23.9%, which means that more people than usual live in Wainscott. This percentage is lower than that of neighboring cities.

As of the 2010 census, 61.1% of the population in Wainscott identified as white. Another 12.3% identified as black, 5.4% were Asian and 0.2% were Native Hawaiian. The remainder were Hispanic or other races. The census also asked respondents to identify their ancestry, and the most common ethnicities were Irish, American, English, German, Italian, and Polish. Hungarian and Romanian ancestry is especially prevalent, with a population of more than 17%.

Wainscott is home to the Georgica Association, which maintains a 100-acre subdivision. This home was built in 1880 and was owned by attorney Michael J. Kennedy, who hosted President Trump for seven years and later represented Ivana Trump in her divorce. The location is also the setting of the 2004 film "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind." In the East Hampton area, Wainscott is home to the Eastham Airport, where PBS broadcasts the children's program. While the railroad station closed in the 1930s, Wainscott is still home to the Wainscott Airfield and the town's main street.

In Wainscott, the landscape is very different from that of East Hampton, with houses bordering corn and potato fields, sand dunes, and the ocean. There used to be a general store on Main Street, but that post office moved to a new building on the Montauk Highway, where it now resides. In Wainscott's historical past, Main Street was lined with sycamores, but a 1935 hurricane wiped them out. Wainscott's demographic figures reflect only those who live in the town permanently.