Varysburg, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for information on the population of Varysburg, NY, then you've come to the right place. Below is information about the local population and the nearby towns. These are the closest major cities to Varysburg, NY. You can also find out the zip code and other important information about Varysburg. In addition, you can find out what percentage of residents are members of different racial or ethnic groups.

The city of Varysburg has a population of 1,646 people, with a gender ratio of 0.4. The median age for both males and females is 37.3. The city has an average of 429 births and 373 deaths each year. The city is home to 1,641 people of one race and 5 people of two or more races. This city has a small percentage of minorities, so it's a good place to raise a family if you're new to the area.

Despite its small size, Varysburg is a fairly safe city. The crime rate is 7.86 per 1,000 residents. The northeastern part of the city is considered the safest, while the west part has a high crime rate. This is not as intuitive as it sounds. Using a crime map is an easy way to see where the crime rates are highest. Compared to state-level population maps, the crime rate for Varysburg is in the 98th percentile.