Valhalla, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are several ways to discover the population and steets of Valhalla City, New York. Here is a quick guide to the statistics. If you live in Valhalla City, you should first check out the demographics of the area. You can also learn more about the local economy, as this area is home to a number of manufacturing companies. Unlike other communities in New York, Valhalla's tax rates are lower than other areas, which is good news for its residents.

In the 2010 U.S. Census, Valhalla had a population of 3,162. This is down a bit from the earlier census, but may be due to the tornado that struck the town in 2006. Regardless of the cause, the reason for the decrease may have something to do with the redrawing of CDP boundaries. The census also does not include individuals living in Valhalla, NY who are not working in a job that requires them to have a college education.

The median property value in Valhalla, NY is $566,000, which is 2.35 times higher than the national average. Almost eighty percent of residents are U.S. citizens. The homeownership rate is 74%, which is higher than the national average of 64.1%. Residents of Valhalla, NY live alone and commute to work on average for 26 minutes. Their car ownership rate is approximately the national average, with two cars per household.