Valatie, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for information on Valatie, New York, you've come to the right place. The city is home to a very diverse population, and is considered a midsize one in terms of population. The population of Valatie City is made up of a mixture of Native American, European, and Asian residents. The area's Hispanic and Latino population is approximately 5.8% of the total population.

The city is home to a high percentage of married couples, with almost 70% of households headed by a husband and wife couple. This percentage is higher than that of many places in the U.S., and is also higher than the state average of 17.5%. If you're looking for the most diverse community, however, Valatie may be the place for you. Listed below are other facts about the city's residents and their families.

The town's name is derived from Dutch vaaltje, which means "little falls." The Dutch settled in the area in 1665, and named it Valatie in 1820. By the late 19th century, the town had nine cotton mills and stores. Throughout the 19th century, Valatie became the industrial center of northern Columbia County. A large number of people, families, and businesses called Valatie home.

The median age of residents in Valatie is 47.2, which is the third highest median age in the greater Valatie area. The highest median age is 52.9. The age distribution by gender is further reflected in the table below. If you're looking to buy a house in Valatie, you can expect to pay $331,200. Home values in Valatie have increased 7.1% over the last decade.