Sylvan Beach, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Whether you're interested in a Sylvan Beach city map or just want to learn more about the people that call this town home, the following information is sure to help you with your search. Sylvan Beach, NY is home to approximately 922 people, all of which are U.S. citizens. The median property value in this city is $90,000, and the homeownership rate is 71.2%. In addition, Sylvan Beach, NY has a median property value of $90,000, which is about the same as the national average. Average commute time is 28 minutes.

The median income for households in Sylvan Beach, NY is $32,366. The median household income is $32,040, which is higher than the national average. Additionally, this city has a higher percentage of homeowners than neighboring cities, at 68.8%. In addition, Sylvan Beach has a higher percentage of renter-occupied housing units than the US average, with 0% of its workforce owning a car.

The median rent in Sylvan Beach, New York is $909 per month, down from $791 in 2010. This figure may include utilities and some other building costs. While the rent burden in Sylvan Beach is lower than the average of the state of New York, the average rent in neighboring towns is higher. If you're looking for a new place to rent, this information may help you decide whether Sylvan Beach is the right place for you.