Sunnyside, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you curious about the Population & Steets in Sunny side City? You're not alone! More people are deciding to move to sunnyside to make it their own home. Sunnyside was incorporated into a city on September 2, 1902. The population of Sunnyside City was 314 at the time of the census. To meet the 300-person requirement for incorporation, Sunnyside filed a petition and gained 64 signatures. The town held an election on September 2, 1902, and the votes were in favor of incorporation. In the end, 42 people voted and the election was certified on September 16, 1902.

The Census Bureau uses a money income threshold for poverty, and this threshold varies by race and family composition. A family with a total income below the threshold is considered impoverished. The majority of Sunnyside's population is White, with Hispanic and Other people making up the next three largest groups. The percentage of families living below this threshold is also high, and the median household income is $23,400.

The most common occupation in Sunnyside, WA is farming, fishing, and forestry. The majority of residents live in Sunnyside and work in the fields and at the Darigold milk processing plant. The average home price is $120,000. There are over 16,000 people living in Sunnyside, and the city has experienced a 5.9% increase in population from 2020 to 2019.