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The term 'Sundown City' is not limited to one small town; it encompasses entire counties. Throughout the United States, many incorporated towns have policies that exclude African Americans. One such law in Arkansas, "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Alix," was a warning that appeared on town signs. In fact, more than half of incorporated communities outside the traditional South excluded African Americans. In fact, more than 100 towns in northwestern Arkansas were sundown.

The city of Loveland, Arkansas, was one of many sundown towns studied by Loewen. The racial discrimination that characterized the early 1900s in Loveland and other small towns was not widespread. Residents recalled incidents of racism, including the expulsion of the Black basketball team. Several sundown towns had homeowners' associations that prohibited Black residents from living in certain areas.

Despite the city's diverse population, Loveland's racial makeup remains far behind neighboring communities. Despite being more diverse, the city still has an unequal distribution of wealth and population. The city council has limited authority to address the city's sundown history. It's difficult to understand how residents can reconcile the past with the present. However, they can at least acknowledge that the city's history is rooted in racism and racial discrimination.