Strykersville, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Strykersville, NY, is composed of approximately 651 White residents and 10 Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) residents. There is no significant difference in the percentage of Hispanic or African American residents in Strykersville. The city has a 0% Hispanic population. This percentage reflects the diversity of the area. As a result, Strykersville is a relatively diverse place.

The median property value in Strykersville is $144,700, 0.602 times the national average. The median property value increased from $144,000 to $144,700 in 2019. The homeownership rate was 74.7%, and the average commute time was 24.7 minutes. The average number of cars per household was two. Residents of Strykersville live on average for a total of 2 cars.

A good indicator of a city's overall safety is its crime rate. Crime rates are often higher in neighborhoods near parks, airports, and recreational areas. If a neighborhood has a low population density, it may be safer than the neighboring community. It may seem disproportionately safer in a north-south area, but crime rates are generally higher in the south than in the northeast or southwest.

In terms of income, the median household income in Strykersville, NY is $65,294 compared to $64,079 for females. In addition, the city's median age is 47.2, and the median household income is $64,079, indicating a higher income inequality than the national average. Strykersville, NY has a high percentage of white citizens, while 0.1% of the population is black. The area has a 79% high school graduation rate.