Stephentown, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Stephentown, NY population is composed of 969 households, with a median home value of $132,736. The average household size is 2.48. The estimated growth rate for Stephentown is 3.3%. The local ad demographic is 0.98 males for every female. Stephentown is a small, rural city located in the state of New York. The area is home to several businesses and schools.

There are several government offices in Stephentown. The town hall can be found at the address below. The town hall is open to the public and offers various services. Visit the town hall to learn about meeting schedules, customer service, and more. The town also features several community organizations and groups. If you want to get involved in community affairs in Stephentown, contact the town hall for more information. There are also a number of local government websites that provide detailed information.