Stafford, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are searching for demographic data about Stafford City, you have come to the right place. In this article, you will find the population and the steets of this city. In addition to this, you will also find information about the school system and the schools that are located within this city. The city of Stafford is 21 miles southwest of Houston. In fact, it's motto is City with no property taxes.

A high percentage of residents of Stafford are married. This is reflected in the average number of households in the city. The majority of households are headed by a married couple. In Stafford, this proportion is about 66%. In contrast, Sugar Land has an 87% ratio for husband-and-wife households. The figure 17 above shows the breakdown by gender for the head of household in Stafford. Moreover, you will also find the average age and height of the household head.

The Demographics of Stafford include the percentage of citizens and immigrants. This percentage varies across different states and countries. This figure provides an overview of the demographics in Stafford. Although the city is smaller than many surrounding cities, Stafford still has a significant proportion of foreign-born citizens. As such, Stafford ranks first in the South for the percent of non-citizens. This percentage is lower than the average in the surrounding region.