South Salem, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The South Salem population is made up of a diverse mix of race and class. It has an average household size of 2.68 people. In terms of racial composition, the majority of people are white, while 0.3% are black, and 1.4% are Hispanic. The median household income in South Salem is $43,171, and there are 76% of high school graduates. Whether you're a local business looking for a target audience, or an aspiring entrepreneur looking for a new job in a new city, there's no better place to start than this.

Regardless of what your personal style is, you'll find plenty of stores to meet your needs. The area is primarily centered around Route 28, which offers an array of retail stores, including the popular Pandora and Sephora. The Rockingham Mall offers a wide variety of brands, from Vera Bradley to Sephora. Tax-free shopping is also available. Whether you prefer a local boutique or a high-end designer, Salem is a great place to find what you're looking for.

The city of Salem was first settled by the Kalapuya people more than 10,000 years ago. By the time Europeans began settling in the area, they were in the midst of an eminent cherry-growing industry. During this time, the area was named Chim-i-ki-ti. The Methodist Mission also named the area Chemeketa. Later, it was renamed Salem after the Oregon Institute, which changed its name in 1898.