South Dayton, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing the Population & Steets of South Dayton City? You're not alone. South Dayton, Ohio is a diverse and growing community, and its median age is only 42. Compared to the rest of the state, the median income in South Dayton is $36,390. If you're looking to buy a home in South Dayton City, the median price is around $500 for a two bedroom loft-style apartment. The area is also relatively single and has more single people than married couples. This makes it an excellent choice for a young single person who likes to mingle with new people.

The South Dayton neighborhood is a great place to raise a family, but the local unemployment rate is high. The City's unemployment rate is the highest since the early 1980s, and the withdrawal of General Motors will affect 598 employees. Meanwhile, the City's overdose crisis is hitting the city hard. Police in the area are cracking down on the heroin epidemic. Ohio officials have said that overdose deaths in the city are on track to reach 10,000 this year.

South Dayton, NY is home to 568 people. This city's median age is 37. The median household income is $44,167. There are many businesses and professions in South Dayton, but the three most common ones are healthcare and social assistance (47 people) and transportation and warehousing (27 people).