South Cairo, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for information about the population and steets in South Cairo City, you have come to the right place. Below, you will learn about the main streets and neighborhoods in this part of Egypt. The population of South Cairo City is estimated to be about 1.2 million, making it the third most populated city in the world. But if you want to know the exact population of this part of Egypt, then read the following articles carefully.

The Civil War ushered in a new era in the history of Cairo, changing the city's demographics and social landscape. During the Civil War, the city hosted a massive influx of runaway slaves, called "contrabands" by the Union government. In 1862, the Union Army deposited large numbers of African-Americans in Cairo. These African-Americans were put in "Contraband Camps," but they found little work and no money to remain in the city. Then, a white vigilante group called the "White Hats" began harassing and intimidating black citizens.

Since the revolution of 1952, large numbers of Egyptians have moved to the city. Since then, the Egyptian government has tried to meet the demands of this rapidly growing population by creating new suburbs, such as Nasr City, Muqattam City, and Engineers' City. Today, Cairo has emerged as Egypt's commercial, industrial, and religious center, and is the capital of the country. But the city has faced its fair share of Islamic terrorism, and the situation has only gotten worse.