Somers, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Somers City, CT are the same as those of nearby towns. There are 9,158 residents in the town and 3,635 households. The median home value is $494,733 and the average household size is 2.12. The estimated growth rate is 3.8%, which means that the city is expected to see a growth rate of 1.43% between 2014 and 2025. The local ad demographic is 0.83 males for every 1 female.

The average Somers resident is about fifty-seven years old and has an income of $139,500. The average Somers citizen has a bachelor's degree, while a master's degree is the highest level of education. The average family makes $58,566 per year, which is a little higher than the national average. In Somers, 47% of people live in a two-bedroom home and a one-bedroom apartment.

The town of Somers consists of three distinct neighborhoods. To the east, the town lies between Milwaukee and Kenosha, and to the west, it is bounded by CTH S and CTH JR. At the southern end of the neighborhood, the Somers Market Center anchors the southern portion of this commercial corridor and includes a Wal Mart and a Sam's Club. Further north, the Village's northern edge drains to Lake Michigan and the Des Plaines River watershed.

The ZIP code of Somers City, NY is T1 (Westchester County). The ZIP code indicates that the town is a county subdivision, and is not incorporated. The census also indicates the number of group quarters, which include college residence halls. Another important distinction is whether the town has correctional facilities or nursing homes. If this is the case, you should consider the school district in Somers City, NY for further details.