Silver Creek, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you wondering what the Population & Steets in Silver Stream City are? Here are some details about the city:

The median age in Silver Creek City is 38.7 years. This city's non-Hispanic residents are mostly White. Those who are foreign-born have an average age of 43 years, which is higher than the state's average of forty. The most common country of birth for foreign-born residents is the Dominican Republic, followed by China and Jamaica. The median income for the entire population is $138,500.

The railroad line that runs through Silver Creek City is operated by the Norfolk Southern Railway and the CSX Transportation Company. The former PRR line was abandoned by the Interstate Commerce Commission in 1976 to make way for highway transportation. The Buffalo & Erie Railway was another railroad that passed through the city. It was the successor of the Buffalo & Lake Erie Traction Company. In 1890, Silver Creek was settled by immigrant families. Its first residents were Ole Wick and Henry Clark. The town has since turned to tourism.

The community is well-served by two volunteer fire departments. There are about 50-60 active volunteers. The Silver Creek Emergency Squad operates alongside the local fire department. Both are trained by the New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control and the New York State Department of Health's Bureau of Emergency Medical Services. In August 2009, the city's public works department was destroyed by floodwater. The public works department has since relocated to a former Bentges distributing plant.