Sidney Center, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article outlines the Population & Steets of Sidney Center City. Whether you are considering living in Sidney or simply want to know more about this area, you have come to the right place. Here, you'll find a summary of the town's history, and you'll learn how to make the most of your stay. There are many attractions in the area, and you can take advantage of them by visiting the site.

According to the United States Census Bureau, there are approximately 10,847 people living in the city. The median age is 36.1 years old. The median household size is 2.50 people, and there are fewer households with children. The majority of households are composed of married couples. The next largest demographic group is the elderly. There are about 12,000 people living in Sidney Center City, and they make up a significant portion of the overall population.

This city has a significant number of cinemas. In fact, the town's first movie theatre opened in 1913, under the Greater Union brand. It is now considered Australia's busiest cinema. It is home to a number of other popular entertainment options, including the Sydney Aquarium. During the day, you can find a movie in the city. If you're a movie buff, you can see it at the nearby Event Cinemas.

The city is served by the T1 and T2 railway lines. The T3 is a second-tier hub in Sydney. This line connects the inner west with the city and will be extended into the city by 2024. The inner west will also be served by 2026, which includes a second international airport station. It is serviced by numerous bus routes and bicycle lanes. There are many restaurants and shopping centres in this area, including the Westfield Shopping Centre and the DFO in Homebush.