Shenorock, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will provide you with the latest Population & Steets in Shelorock City, New York. These numbers are based on the population of the city and the surrounding area. To get a more accurate picture of the population of Shenorock, you can use a map to compare it to other areas in the city. The population density in a given area is calculated as the number of people per square mile.

The area is less than one square mile and contains a 13-acre lake. Before the formation of New Netherland, the area was called "Amapaugh." It was a part of the Wappinger Confederacy and included three Indian villages. In the late 1920s, small lake developments sprung up and were eventually made into year-round communities. The Jewish community in Shenorock City has been active for many years.

In the early 19th century, Shenorock City was primarily agricultural. It supported many businesses, including weavers, cabinetmakers, preachers, lawyers, teachers, and servants. There were roads that were turnpikes that ran through the town and some buildings were used for businesses. And a newspaper was published in the hamlet from 1809 to 1811.