Sea Cliff, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

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The population of SEA CLIFF city is 5,228. The ZIP code is 11579. To find out more information about the city, you can check its website. Click the title for more information. You can also check the library for a list of schools, phone numbers, and addresses. You can also find out the zip code of a specific street by using the address. You can enter the street address to get more detailed information about a specific neighborhood.

This ZIP code is located in the village of Sea Cliff in Nassau County, New York. It has a population density of 983/km2. The median home value is $739,606 and the average household size is 2.49. The population of Sea Cliff is expected to grow to 5,056 by 2020. At the 2010 census, there were 4,995 residents. This is a small town, and the population is expected to increase by two percent by 2020. The median household income is $96,646 and the average household income is $124,492. The high school graduation rate is 81%.

The percentage of people in Sea Cliff who are in poverty is higher than the national average. It is higher than the national poverty rate of 2.8%. The city has many schools that are well-accredited, and the city is home to a number of historic mansions built during the Gilded Age. Moreover, the poverty rate in this city is lower than in nearby towns like East Meadow and Syosset.