Schodack Landing, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the population and steets in Schodack Landing city, NY, you've come to the right place. This page will provide you with information about Schodack, NY, as well as nearby towns. If you have ever wondered what the area was like before, it's not hard to find out. Here are a few statistics you should know.

By the 1760's, Schodack Landing was firmly established as a village. Residents included the Schermerhorns, Barheyts, Van Valkenburghs, and Van Burens. The residents of this city were engaged in trade, tanning, and shoemaking. Boards and wood were important commodities in the area. There were two churches in the area.

The US census counts the racial makeup of a city. This data is useful for understanding the demographic makeup of the community. This data can help you make decisions about the environment of your kids, as well as job markets. For Schodack Landing, the population of children is 42,526, which includes the kindergarten and nursery school enrollment. In addition, there are 51275 children in elementary or high school, and twelve students in college or graduate school.

Crime in Schodack Landing is low. There are fewer crimes per 1,000 people than in neighboring cities. However, crime is more likely to occur in areas where fewer people congregate. For this reason, the city's crime rate is lower than the average for the state of New York and the nation. The safety level of Schodack Landing can be improved by a few steps.