Sauquoit, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are a number of statistics you can find out about the Sauquoit City Population and Steets. There are approximately 4,277 residents in Sauquoit, NY. Of these, approximately 650 are males and 550 are females. Births and deaths are reported to vary each year. There are approximately 34 different races represented in the Sauquoit City Population. If you have never been to Sauquoit City before, you may find this information helpful.

The Sauquoit City population is comprised of two types of communities. There is a unified school district, and one of its subdivisions is the Sauquoit Valley Central School District. There are six other unified school districts in New York. Sauquoit is in the Sauquoit Valley Central School District, which is one of the top 50 largest. In addition, there are seven county subdivisions that include this city.

The Sauquoit City population is also represented by its ZIP code. Its ZIP code is 13456. One of the best ways to find a zip code is to look for a website that offers that information. Many of these websites will also have other information such as commute times and the percentage of college graduates. If you're interested in the Sauquoit City ZIP code, you can look for information about its public schools and the Sauquoit Valley Central School District.

QuickFacts has many different demographics about the Sauquoit City area. They include information on the number of people, households, and school zones. The city's population is mostly white, but the numbers of middle-aged adults and seniors are large. The number of children under 18 is slightly less than the national average. The percentage of vacant homes is low. There are several activities in Sauquoit City.