Sardinia, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Sardinian City? The answer to this question may surprise you. In Sardinia City, the population is about 1,503 people, and the median household income is about $31,615 according to the most recent census data. There is a remarkably large proportion of non-EU residents, which are mostly retired people and tourism workers. The real border regions for EU migration to Sardinia are Trentino - Alto Adige and Lombardy, which together comprise about 17% of the total population. The population of Sardinians who are not EU nationals is decreasing, due to realignment of military bases. Relatives of military personnel who wish to settle in Sardinia must obtain a temporary residence permit. Only members of the armed forces are exempt from

Sardinia City has a surprisingly high proportion of renter-occupied housing units compared to other areas of the city. The number of renter-occupied households in Sardinia City is higher than the average rent burden of neighboring cities, which is 29.5% in the state of Ohio. The rate in neighboring Mount Olivet and West Union is higher. Furthermore, 46.7% of all housing units in Sardinia are occupied by renters, which is higher than the national average.

There are three airports in Sardinia. It is also easy to access mainland Europe. Compared to mainland Italy, Sardinia City has excellent public transportation and fast ferry service. Visitors can enjoy the laid-back lifestyle, beautiful scenery, great food and culture. It is a perfect destination for anyone who enjoys a laid-back lifestyle. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and plan your trip to Sardinia today!