Sandy Creek, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to know more about the area around Sandy Creek City? Check out our list of local towns. You can plan a trip around Sandy Creek, explore the surrounding area, or get a general feel for the town. Here is the population and steets of Sandy Creek. You can also browse our list of nearby cities to find out which towns are 100 miles from Sandy Creek. If you're interested in finding out the current population, you can use our interactive map to find out the number of people living in each area.

The population of Sandy Creek, NC was 230 people as of 2019, with a median age of 52.8 years. While native-born citizens were 52.8 years old, their foreign-born neighbors were slightly younger. Overall, people in Sandy Creek, NC drive on average 26.4 minutes to get to work. The median property value was $133,700, and there were 2 cars per household. The median income in Sandy Creek, NC was $48,400 in 2019.

The city was established on September 25, 1893. The city was settled around a mining town, and continues to grow through infill of smaller parcels of land and annexation of county islands. However, the town will likely continue to grow in the future. So, Sandy City is still a growing community! The numbers are encouraging. Almost half of the residents begin their commute early each morning.