Salisbury Mills, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A Salisbury Mills CDP includes one in eight New York residents who are foreign born. The city has a low percent of foreign born residents compared to other cities, with the highest percentage found in the nearby Vails Gate CDP. Salisbury Mills' percentage of foreign born residents is only about one-tenth that of the average for the country. Nevertheless, it is an indication that the country's population is still very diverse.

The Salisbury Mills CDP is ranked #1 in the state of New York among incorporated towns, cities, and CDPs. Salisbury Mills ranks higher than 75% of its peer cities and towns in New York, and it is in the 75th percentile for its age distribution. To see more data on Salisbury Mills, NY, check out the link below.

Salisbury Mills, NY has a population of 301 people. The majority of people are U.S. citizens. The median property value in this city is $288,800. The median household income was $115,536. The median number of cars per household is two. There are 0% of foreign-born residents living in the city. Nevertheless, the majority of Salisbury Mills' residents are white, and the city is a diverse community.

The median household income in Salisbury Mills, NY is $115,536. This figure is higher than the national median of $65,712 for full-time workers and 0% for non-working individuals. The highest-paying industry in Salisbury Mills, NY is Educational Services, Health Care & Social Assistance. The average salary for households in Salisbury Mills is $80,727, which is more than double the national average.