Round Top, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Round Top City, Texas is 93 people, and it has grown by 53.0% since the year 2000. The median home value is $676,500, and the appreciation rate for homes in Round Top City over the past 10 years is 5.0%. Round Top is home to many people of various ages, including retirees, students, and foreign-born residents. This data helps you decide whether or not Round Top is the right place for you and your family.

The total population of Round Top is 76 people of voting age, and 46.1% of the population is under the poverty line. There are zero children under the age of eight. Around 41.8% of residents live below the poverty line, and there are fewer than five people in every household. The median household income is $88,333, and the median housing unit occupancy rate is 15%. The population of Round Top is predominantly white, with 38.5% of residents holding a bachelor's degree, and two percent identifying as Hispanic.

The median household income in Round Top is $43,125, and the median family income is $50,625. Males earn an average of $42,500, and females earn an average of $41,875. The median age for Round Top residents is 67.3 years old. There are no children under the age of eighteen living below the federal poverty line. Round Top has the oldest building in Fayette County. The Round Top-Carmine Independent School District serves Round Top.