Romulus, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Romualus City? This map will help you figure out what the population of Romulus City looks like. This map is tagged with the residential address. The livability score includes data for crime, cost of living, housing, amenities, and more. By determining the livability of the city, you can decide if you want to move there or to one of the surrounding cities.

For instance, Firefighter Vanover, who is not a resident of Romulus, enjoys attending the city's events and developing relationships with residents. He also enjoys training in the community and is planning his wedding there. Meanwhile, Officer Christopher Reyna chose the city because of its reputation for good jobs. He joined the department after forming contacts at Romulus High School.

The median age of residents in Romulus, MI is 35.5 years old. This city is growing very slowly. As of 2010, the population of Romulus was the 1,484th largest in the United States, and is growing only 2.3%. While this is slightly slower than average growth, it still represents a significant increase over the last decade. It is also notable for being home to the Detroit Metropolitan Airport. The first white settler in Romulus was French-Canadian Samuel Polyne in 1826. He eventually moved to another location when the township was formed.

Lt. Jackson is a member of the Romulus Police Department. He has served in multiple capacities in the city. He was the school resource officer for Romulus Community Schools for five years. He continues to keep in contact with former students and community members. He is also a member of the Police and Community Together organization. The experiences he gained in Romulus City have shaped him into the successful police officer that he is today.