Rockville Ctr, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing the Population & Steets in Rockvill Ctr City? You're not alone. More people are moving to this area every year, and we want to help you see why! Listed below are some of the most interesting facts about this area. Read on to discover why you should consider making this part of your vacation itinerary. There's a lot of history behind the area, including the founding of the Rockville Downtown Association.

When the city was incorporated, it had thirty-five homes. Of those, seven were rented out to Welsh families, two of which were log cabins. The rest were simple two-story frame homes, and bungalows with a front porch. Those who bought these homes designed them with expansion possibilities in mind. Many resembled the newly built Victorian homes in the West End section of Rockville.

The median household income in Rockville Ctr City is $113,769. The highest-income households are in Census Tract 4127, followed by Census Tract 4126. The chart below shows the percentage of households that use each mode of transportation over time. The logarithmic scale on the y-axis helps reveal variations in the number of households using smaller means of transportation.

Crime in Rockville is lower than the average in the state and country. The chance of being involved in violent crime is only one in 765. Property crime statistics are lower than the average in the state and are especially lower for seniors. The city also has a brass band that specializes in British music. The Rockville Baseball Association has youth baseball and softball programs. It is also located near the unincorporated census-designated place North Bethesda.