Ripley, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you've ever visited Ripley City, Texas, you may have wondered, "What is the Population & Steets of Ripley City?" If so, you're not alone. Ripley is a charming little hill town, and its historic downtown area is filled with inspiring historical homes. In fact, it was Ripley's great grandfather who lived here for many years and is believed to be the inspiration for many of the town's characters.

The population of Ripley is 8,291 strong. The median household income is $22,808. The city is home to a few businesses, including Ripley Baptist Church and the Methodist Episcopal Church. Ripley Baptist Church organized in 1866 and was built in partnership with Masons. This church was a gift from the Baptist Church, which had a congregation of about 150 members.

Early transportation in the area was based on narrow horse paths and wagon roads. The Ohio River and all points beyond were easily accessible by wagon. One of the early settlers in the area, William Parsons, was employed by Mason County to lay out a road connecting Point Pleasant to Clarksburg. Later, mail routes were established and landowners were assigned the responsibility of maintaining them. The federal government completed the National Road from Cumberland, Maryland, to Wheeling in 1818.

The population of Ripley City is below the state average. In the 2010 census, only 69 people lived in the city. There were 33 households, 20 families, and 20 singles. The area's median house value was $476,000, and its population density was only 2.6% of the state average. And there are more than a dozen foreign-born residents, and only ten residents with a bachelor's degree or higher.