Rifton, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of Rifton City? How does Rifton compare to other cities? Find out how safe your neighborhood is with our Crime Grade map. You can even compare your neighborhood to other cities near Rifton to see where crimes are most common. This map shows crime rates by type and severity, with an A+ rating meaning that crime is lower than the national average. In comparison, Rifton is in the 97th percentile for safety. Only 3% of American cities are safe, and 97% are more dangerous.

Residents of Rifton belong to several racial groups. They report that they are White, but also report that they are Polish, Italian, German, Irish, and English ancestry. The population is fairly quiet, with fewer college students and fewer noisy groups. In general, Rifton is a quiet place to live. If you are considering a move to Rifton City, you'll find it easier than you'd think.

As of 2000, there were 9,871 households in Rifton. Of these, 27.3% were made up of families with children, while 15.8% were headed by a female who was living alone. The rest of the households were made up of non-working individuals. In total, 100% of Rifton City residents have health coverage. Non-citizens include people who are legal permanent residents, international students, and temporary workers.