Richburg, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to find the Population & Steets of Richburg City SC, you will need to know a few things. First of all, you need to know the city's address. You should also know what the town's population makeup is. There are many different factors that you should consider, including cost of living, job opportunities, and community. Luckily, Dwellics has data on over 50,000 U.S. cities and analyzes them to help you find the ideal place for you and your family.

The median age of the population in Richburg is 36.9, which is lower than the national median of 40.4. The median household size in Richburg is 3.0, which is higher than the US average of 2.6. The median income is also lower in the city than the national average of $42,390. The median household size is 3.0, which is higher than the state average. However, the percentage of educated residents can vary by gender.

There are 315 residents of various races in Richburg SC. 57.9% are female, whereas 44.1% are male. This represents a higher than average ratio for South Carolina, which is 51.2% male. The city's average male-to-female ratio is 48.3%, while the national average is 49.2%. The city has a very high percentage of military personnel and veterans, which explains its high percentage.