Remsen, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you wondering how many people live in Remsen? Here are the demographics. Although it might seem counter-intuitive, crime rates in Remsen are generally lower in the city's north and east. The murder rate in Remsen is as high as 1 in 74,427 in the city's south and northwest areas. Although the data are not intuitive, you should be aware of your neighborhood's crime rate.

Remsen has a fairly low percentage of households headed by a married couple. Only 45% of Remsen households are headed by a single person. In contrast, 99% of households in Struble are headed by a married couple. However, Remsen has more households with single parents than any other place in the metro area. In the case of family composition, Remsen falls between the middle and lower ends.

The Remsen area is a good place to start if you're looking for demographics information. The town's median household income is $51,339. Additionally, it has a low poverty rate. There are also a number of local institutions and businesses that are thriving in Remsen. You'll be able to find out about their demographics and how they compare to nearby communities.

The percentage of foreign-born residents in Remsen is 4.2%, which is higher than the national average. The city is also ranked number one for eviction cases, with 0.76 eviction cases recorded last year. Remsen also ranks high when compared to neighboring cities. There is a small community that is full of immigrants, but the city's population is much smaller than the national average.