Red Creek, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For more information on the city of Red Creek, New York, explore the data on its population and steets. The data on Red Creek is gathered from the 2020 American Community Survey. The data is updated every year, as soon as new statistics are released, and is based on specific zip codes and neighborhoods. Below you will find information on the demographics of Red Creek, New York. We hope you enjoy our demographic information.

The Crime Rate in Red Creek City is higher in the central section of the city than in the northeast part, but this may be because there are more retail establishments in central Red Creek than in the northeast. The northeast area has fewer crimes, so the rates are inflated. Crime rates in central Red Creek tend to be higher than in the northeast part, because many crimes occur in commercial areas that are relatively empty.

The population of Red Creek, NY is composed of 646 residents. The median household income is $34,028, and the number of Hispanic residents is 29. In addition to that, the city's racial and ethnic makeup are important economic indicators. A majority of Red Creek's residents are White, but some are Black and Hispanic. While the overall income is lower, there are still many individuals living in poverty. The child poverty rate in Red Creek, NY is 10.4%, and 13.3% of the population is considered poor. The highest paying jobs are in Education Instruction, Library Occupations and Transportation & Warehousing.