Quaker Street, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population and Steets in Quaker Street are a good place to start if you're looking for some demographic information on the city. This map shows the percentage of households that use cars as their primary means of transportation. The data is sorted by car ownership buckets, with households owning one car making up the largest share. The next chart shows how households in Quaker Street City, OH are spread among these modes of transportation.

The population of Quaker City is 461 people, 100% of which are U.S. citizens. The median property value is $69,100, and the homeownership rate is 58.2%. Most residents in Quaker City commute by car alone, with an average commute time of 25.7 minutes. Nearly a quarter of residents own a car. The highest percentage of residents in Quaker City are single.

The area surrounding the Quaker meetinghouse is composed of small, three-bay side-gabled houses. The buildings are mostly pre-Civil War. Quaker residents favored building styles that were both classical and symmetrical, including Federal-style houses and well-planned Georgian-style homes. The style also works well with newly-appears row houses. This makes the neighborhood feel much more cohesive.