Putnam Valley, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the population and steets of Putnam Valley City, New York, you have come to the right place. Listed below is the population and steets of Putnam Valley. You can bookmark this page or link to it with the URL address below. Putnam Valley is located in Putnam County, New York, USA. It is located close to New York City but offers a rural, country feel. Besides, it is near to the main shopping center of Danbury, Connecticut.

The population density in Putnam Valley is low. This city has a low density, so it is a bit less dense than the state and national average. Compared to other cities, such as Cold Spring and Nelsonville, Putnam Valley has a relatively low population density. However, if you want to get a feel for the population of Putnam Valley City, you can check the area's demographics for the past five years.

The population of Putnam Valley is about 34%. The city is home to several schools, including Putnam Valley Middle School. The population of Putnam Valley is estimated to be around 12,000, and the city's median income is $80,710.